September 07, 2013

Saying Good-bye

When it comes time to say good-bye to a dog you have had for as many as 15 years there are no comforting words to make it Easy.
Some of these dogs protected Family members  and some provided comfort on long lonely nights. Some were great hunting or working dogs over long week-ends and some were ALL OF THE ABOVE!

     No matter what, 15 years of devotion is a long time, and  accumulates a lot of memories. When it comes time to say good-bye time seems to slow down to a crawl and watching your beloved pet slowly deteriorate to the point that they struggle to stand up and stumble to the door when they do!
     Walks get shorter and can easily take twice as long. The  enthusiasm for the little things is diminished along with the spark in the eye. Many new attributes will surface such as lack of hearing and sight. This leads to confusion and frustration not only from the pets point of view, but some family members as well. Young children will not always understand the changes and must be cautioned when handling the pet since snapping at morsels and snapping from minor pains can progress as the pet ages.

     Coming home to the dog at the door will become a thing of the past since the pet can barely walk. The pet had an internal clock  that set the timing for everything from when you are arriving home to diner time to walk time and time to
Go outside.
     Their will be more accidents in the floor as well as meals may not settle properly and vomiting foam or entire stomach contents will become frequent! More time will be spent trying out Senior dog food brands your pet can keep down as well as Chew. The teeth are dull at this point and dogs struggle to devour food that just a few years ago were not an issue.

   When then do you say good-bye?

Unfortunately many people drop their pet at a local shelter complaining that they can't take care of it, or create other excuses. This Animal has 0 Chance of adoption to finish out it's final years and life ends right there for that Animal. One can only expect immediate Euthanizing.

If this is your choice, Please, think twice! Do not abandon this beloved creature to a cold damp concrete floor with strange dogs yelping and strangers everywhere. This Pet has has devoted every waking moment to loving you, and you should be the last face this Animal sees. Call a Home Service or make arrangements with your local  Veterinarian, but be there with them as they crossover.

Simply Google the word "euthanizing" and links will appear in your area that can provide Euthanizing services at home or within a vet's office with a sitting area for you to spend those final moments with your best friend.

   So when is a good time to say Good-bye?

There is no good time...The "TIME" is when you say it's time. You know your pet and you know your capabilities to take care of it! The Bottom line is that there is "NO Good Time"
I have heard many different reasons for ending a dogs life. Reasons vary from the city to countryside, and from one Mans opinion to one Womans opinion.
*I have seen dogs shot on the spot for killing chickens! Something that particular dog never did until it became Mentally diminished. But that was where the owner "Drew the Line"!
*I know of a woman that had her pet Euthanized when she passed away because the dog did not cope well with strangers. The pet was Euthanized, placed at her feet, and buried with her.

      What ever "YOU" decide is best for you and your friend is, "what is best"! Don't let other people influence you, demean your motives, or shame you into something you don't want to do. Don't let them jeopardize your satifactory departure with your pet. You made your decisions for the good of you and your pet based upon your life and no one  else's.
    Use a professional service and call references to ensure All cost associated with the disposal and the medical cost are included. Get feedback from the references to see it it was a good experience at their facility or a better experience in your own home.
     In the long run you will feel better for it. You will sleep better and you will have the peace of mind knowing that you took the entire journey from beginning to end with your furry friend and it was not only Enjoyable but Memorable to the very last day! You will recover faster and be better prepared when you bump into your next Furry Friend knowing you can carry them all the way to the end!

Happy Tails.
The Time has come! Good-Bye my Love. May the Rainbow lead you to Beautiful fields with lots of room to run!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about when is a good time to say Good-bye I am glad to stop by your site and know more about pets. Keep it up!
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